What is fulfillment? For some it's money or job or family but for me I believe it's the knowledge that I'm walking in the footsteps that the Lord has traced out for me. I've struggled over the last couple of months working in McDonalds, I needed a two month job and they kindly took me on, however it brought feelings of unfulfillment and my summer being wasted. I just had to trust that I was serving the Lord and that he was using me for his purposes even if I didn't notice.
In whatever circumstance we are in, God can use us we just have to let him and he will lead us. Sure I often slip of that path but he places me back on it.
How sweet the sound.
On another note, my parents return from Nigeria tomorrow where my Dad has been for 3 months and my Mum for a month. I'm excited to hear their stories and how they saw God work.
I lacked inspiration over the summer hence the lack of blogging but the tide should have turned when I head down to London in a weeks time. I will be working with London City Mission and I'm confident they'll be many stories to tell.
For those who pray, pray for me, pray that I show the Lord's love to the people I meet and that I walk on that path he has drawn out for me over the year.
I'll be blogging alot more now so happy reading.
Grace and Peace my friends
…i can be your long lost pal
11 years ago