This morning I noticed that there is a huge a pile of dishes to be done in my flat. This reminded me of community mentioned in Claiborne and Hartgrove's book entitled 'Becoming answers to our prayers'. They have T shirts with 'Everyone wants a revolution but nobody wants to do the dishes', a reminder that the route to a revolution is through small aspects of love like washing someone's feet or doing the dishes.
Love - a beautiful word.
What does love fully mean, is it all emotional or is it in part a choice, a choice to completely care for a certain person or thing? I think when you love something you don't need to question it. Love should be a word that describes the Christian Church along with grace and forgiveness. However many people associate the church with words like hypocrisy and hatred.
Something has went horribly wrong somewhere.
I was challenged at church on Sunday when my pastor spoke about how he was out with a group at the bottom of Buchanan Street holding a sign saying 'Sorry' while the others were giving free hugs. This is similar to what Donald Miller talks about in his book 'Blue like Jazz', where he set up a confession booth at college and people came to listen him confess about the Church's faults, past and present.
Confession and Forgiveness.
The church needs to look out for the oppressed, help the poor and first and foremost be Christ-like. May people describe Christians as full of God's love.
Now to do the dishes.
…i can be your long lost pal
11 years ago
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